Cheat Marvel: Avengers Alliance (Selalu Work)
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Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Cheat ini di jamin selalu Work
cara pengunan dan lain lain:
There is a known compatibility problem with Firefox 16 (or newer) and Facebook Secure Browsing. We are investigating. If you are seeing errors, for now you can use an older Firefox version or disable Facebook Secure Browsing.
Marvel: Avengers Alliance is a turn-based super hero themed action/adventure game from Playdom.
The cheat is included in the Firefox extension.
- Automatically send heroes on Flight Deck missions and collect rewards
- One-click ally scan
- Automatically refresh on errors
- Instant gifts via Gift Network
Press the LeetHax button on the left to access the cheat interface.
Hover your mouse over each option to see a detailed description.
When the "Automate Flight Deck" option is active, you can leave the game open to collect Silver and hero experience over time.
The item getter uses up the daily gift limit (50 items per day). A "Gift not accepted" error most likely means that the limit is exhausted.
If an error occurs during item obtaining, you may find an item with the description "LH_giftBeacon" in your inventory. You can safely accept or discard it, but trying to "return the favor" can result in strange behavior.
Things that are not likely to be cheatable:
- Avoiding the daily gift limit
- Gold
- Obtaining any item in the game, as was previously possible (patched 2012.06.01)
- Obtaining more than one item of a kind per battle, as was previously possible (patched 2012.06.01)
Things that were previously possible, but have been patched and are currently no longer possible:
Easily win battlesForce certain items to drop in battlePreview mission rewardsMission score multiplier
If Flight Deck automation doesn't work, try doing a few flights by yourself. This will usually get it working again.
Maf bahasa inggris bisa di translet di goole hehe
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Cheat Marvel: Avengers Alliance (Selalu Work)
Reviewed by Admin Blog
9:02 PM

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