Grand Theft Auto IV Passwords (PS3,PC)

Cell Phone Passwords

At any time during the game, pull out Niko's phone and dial these numbers for the desired effect.
Please note that cheats will affect missions and achievements.

Ini cheat Gta 4 Cara nya Mengunalan Telpon
482-555-0100Restore health, armor, and ammo
362-555-0100Restore armour
486-555-0100Get a selection of weapons
486-555-0150Get a different selection of weapons
267-555-0100Remove wanted level
267-555-0150Raise wanted level
468-555-0100Change weather
359-555-0100Spawn an Annihiliator
938-555-0100Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0100Spawn an NRG-900
625-555-0150Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0100Spawn an FIB Buffalo
227-555-0175Spawn a Comet
227-555-0147Spawn a Turismo
227-555-0142Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0168Spawn a SuperGT
948-555-0100Song information
Grand Theft Auto IV Passwords (PS3,PC) Grand Theft Auto IV Passwords (PS3,PC) Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:50 PM Rating: 5

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